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Parent FAQ

Q. How do I register my child in the Keene School District? What do I need to take with me to register?

A. Parents/ Guardians register each student at their neighborhood school. Please, bring the following documents with you that are required for registration.

  • original birth certificate
  • updated immunization record
  • If an examination has not been performed within the past year, the school shall accept documentation of an appointment for a physical examination with a licensed physician, advanced registered nurse practitioner or physician's assistant within a time determined by the school district for conditional enrollment.
  • most recent, within year of enrollment, medical exam report from healthcare provider
  • Proof of Keene residency
  • Parenting plans or court documents regarding custodial agreements
  • Transcripts from previously attended high school - Keene High School Transfers Only

Click here for more information regarding Kindergarten Registration, New Residents and registration of children in Grades 1-12.

Click Here to view the Keene School District Street Directory which will show where to register your student.

Q. We're moving out of Keene. Can our child continue to attend Keene schools?

A.  If a student moves from Keene during the school year and wishes to continue attending school in Keene, the District must be notified by the student's parents and/or by the student if over the age of 18. If space is available, the District may allow the student to remain and the family to pay tuition. Families who do not reside in Keene and send their children to Keene schools; or move from Keene, but continue to send their children to Keene schools without notifying the District or receiving prior written approval, will be charged tuition for the period of time in question and may face appropriate civil and criminal sanctions, including, but not limited to, complaints for theft of services.

Please, direct inquiries to:


Q. Can my child attend a Keene school that is different from their neighborhood school?

A. Children attend their neighborhood school. The Keene School District offers parents the opportunity to request that their child be allowed to attend a Keene school that is different from their neighborhood school. The Keene School District supports variance requests on a yearly basis from families when:

School choice better serves the needs of the student.
Families move to a different location in Keene and the variance allows for a period of continuity for that family and student.

To be able to support variances, the Keene School District needs to monitor requests on a yearly basis to ensure they do not create large discrepancies in classroom size throughout our elementary schools.

Note: Transportation becomes the parent's responsibility should a variance be accepted.

An attendance variance request form may be obtained at any Keene school, or from the Superintendent's Office at the SAU29 Central Office, 193 Maple Avenue, Keene, NH.

Please, direct general inquires to:

Shayna Pelkey

Senior Administrative Assistant