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Keene Kindergarten Registration

To Parents and Guardians

It is time to register your child for kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. To enter kindergarten, evidence must be shown that:

  1. Your child will reach the age of five on or before September 30, 2024.
  2. You are a resident of Keene.

If your child is eligible, it is not mandatory that they attend kindergarten this year. If you believe that your child is not ready to attend, you can discuss this with the building Principal or School Counselor.

In order to register your child for kindergarten, you will need to complete the Student Enrollment Form, and bring it with you when you come for registration. In addition, we will need the following items:

  1. Copy of your child’s birth certificate (we can make the copy at registration time if you wish)
  2. Proof of your residency (lease, pay stub, credit card or bank statement are acceptable)
  3. Your child’s immunization record
  4. Recent physical examination form (within the last year)

It is very important to reserve a space for your child at registration time. Therefore, if you do not have all of the above documents by the time of registration, you should still register your child. We understand that it may take some time to get all of the documents together.

New Hampshire state law also requires that all students must have documentation of their immunizations. Minimum acceptable immunization consists of:

  1. 4 doses of DTP, DTaP or DT as long as the last dose is after the 4th birthday, or 5 doses regardless of age given
  2. 3 doses of Polio vaccine (all IPV or all OPV) as long as the last dose is after the 4th birthday, or 4 doses regardless of age given
  3. 2 doses of MMR given on or after the 1st birthday
  4. 3 doses of Hepatitis B
  5. 2 doses of Varicella (Chicken Pox) or a blood test confirming immunity

Kindergarten screenings will take place for one to two days just before the start of school. These screenings will be followed by homeroom placements and an orientation. You will receive more information on these events as the date draws nearer.

If you need any help or have any questions, please feel free to give us a call. We look forward to meeting you and your child, and to providing a quality educational experience.
Sincerely yours,

Susan Grover

Symonds School Principal

Erik Kress

Franklin Elementary School Principal

Katherine Moaratty

Fuller School Principal

Patricia Yoerger

Wheelock School Principal