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Keene School District

Keene, the county seat of Cheshire County, NH has an estimated 2016 population of 23,406. Cheshire County covers 23 towns and 729 square miles in the southwestern corner of the state.

Keene School District is the largest of the SAU29 districts, with a student enrollment of 2,569*, and serves approximately 48% of the towns that comprise Cheshire County. There are four public elementary schools in Keene: Benjamin Franklin Elementary School, John H. Fuller Elementary School, Symonds Elementary School, and Wheelock Elementary School. There is one middle school, Keene Middle School; one high school, Keene High School; and one technical education center, The Cheshire Career Center. The District also has one preschool.

Keene students make up a little over 41% of the population of Keene Middle School and a little over 50% of the population of Keene High School.

The District employs approximately 671 individuals and is overseen by a voter-elected, nine-member Keene Board of Education, which sets policy, prepares the annual budget, and establishes district goals.

*subject to change

Sending Towns

The Keene School District enjoys close, cooperative relations with many area school districts; and has entered into long-term arrangements, completing the K-12 educational path for these sending towns. Currently, students from Harrisville, Marlow, Nelson, Stoddard, and Sullivan attend Keene Middle School and Keene High School. Students from Chesterfield, Marlborough, Westmoreland, and Winchester attend Keene High School; while students from Surry currently attend Wheelock Elementary School, Keene Middle School, and Keene High School.

In addition, the Cheshire Career Center has cooperative arrangements with Fall Mountain Regional High School and Monadnock Regional High School.


The town of Chesterfield is located along the Connecticut River in the southwestern corner of New Hampshire. It is a rural community, which is located between the region's two largest commercial centers: Keene, NH and Brattleboro, VT.

Chesterfield School, SAU 29, currently enrolls students in grades K-8, who reside in Chesterfield, NH; Spofford, NH; and West Chesterfield, NH. Students in grades 9-12 attend Keene School School and comprise just over 10% of its population.


The town of Harrisville is a unique, preserved 19th-Century mill town, located in the Monadnock region of southern New Hampshire. Besides the town center, it also includes the village of Chesham.

Harrisville-Wells Memorial School, SAU29, currently enrolls students in K-6, who reside in Harrisville, NH. Students in grades 7-8 attend Keene Middle School and comprise just over 1% of its population. Students in grades 9-12 attend Keene High School and comprise just over 1% of its population.


The town of Marlborough is located in Cheshire County. The primary settlement in town is located at the junction of NH Route 101 and NH Route 124.

Marlborough School, SAU29, currently enrolls students in grades K-8 who reside in Marlborough, NH. Students in grades 9-12 attend Keene High School and comprise just over 6% of its population.



The town of Marlow is a largely undisturbed agricultural community near the northern border of Cheshire County.

John D. Perkins, Sr. Academy of Marlow, SAU29, currently enrolls students in grades K-6 who reside in Marlow, NH. Students in grades 7-8 attend Keene Middle School and comprise just over 1% of its population. Students in grades 9-12 attend Keene High School and comprise just over 2% of its population.


The town of Nelson is located on the height of land in Cheshire County, separating the watersheds of the Connecticut River and the Merrimack River. Besides the town center, it also includes the village of Munsonville.

Nelson Elementary School, SAU 29, currently enrolls students in grades K-5 who reside in Nelson, NH and Sullivan, NH. Nelson students in grades 6-8 attend Keene Middle School and comprise just over 0.29% of its population. Nelson students in grades 9-12 attend Keene High School and comprise just over 1.5% of its population.


The town of Stoddard is crossed by NH Route 9 and NH Route 123.

James Faulkner Elementary School, SAU 24, currently enrolls students in grades K-5 who reside in Stoddard, NH. Students in grades 6-8 attend Keene Middle School and comprise just over 4% of its population. Students in grades 9-12 attend Keene High School and comprise just over 2% of its population.


The town of Sullivan includes the villages of East Sullivan and Ellisville.

The Sullivan School District, SAU96, was reconstituted in 2013 to serve the students and families of Sullivan, NH. Students from Sullivan attend Nelson Elementary School. Sullivan students in grades 7-8 attend Keene Middle School and comprise 1.5% of its population. Sullivan students in grades 9-12 attend Keene High School and comprise 1.5% of its population.


The town of Surry is located in Cheshire, NH.

The Surry School District, SAU 91, serves the students and families of Surry, NH. Surry students in grades K-5 attend Wheelock Elementary School and comprise just over 22% of its population. Surry students in grades 6-8 attend Keene Middle School and comprise just over 2% of its population. Surry students in grades 9-12 attend Keene High School and comprise just over 1% of its population.


The town of Westmoreland is bounded on the west by the Connecticut River and is historically an agricultural town.

Westmoreland School, SAU29, currently enrolls students in grades K-8 who reside in Westmoreland, NH. Students in grades 9-12 attend Keene High School and comprise just over 4% of its population.


The town of Winchester includes the village of Ashuelot and part of Pisgah State Park.

Winchester School, SAU94, currently enrolls students in grades PreK-8 who reside in Winchester, NH. Students in grades 9-12 attend Keene High School and comprise just over 11% of its population.

Fall Mountain Regional High School

Fall Mountain Regional High School ("FMRHS"), SAU60, serves students in grades 9-12 living in the Fall Mountain Regional School District, in addition to the towns of Goshen, Lempster, and Unity.

FMRHS students make up just under 3% of the population of the Cheshire Career Center.

Monadnock Regional High School

Monadnock Regional High School ("MRHS"), SAU93, serves students in grades 9-12 living in the Monadnock Regional School District.

MRHS students make up just under 10% of the population of the Cheshire Career Center.