Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I become "Crowd Control" certified?
A. You must have an approved certification on file with the Keene School District Maintenance Department. Click here to visit the approved online certification. (Cost of the online class is not refunded by the Keene School District). Click here to visit a cost-free option.
Q. How do I rent a space in one of the schools?
A. Keene School District utilizes an online program called OperationsHero to manage and schedule the use of our facilities. Click here to begin the process. If you have question regarding the program, please contact the Maintenance Department at (603) 352-8919.
Q. How do I gain access to an athletic field?
A. The use of athletic fields is also managed through OperationsHero and can be requested by clicking, here.
Q. How do I volunteer to conduct some beautification project, either inside or outside of a school?
A. Contact:
Q. How do I get on a bidder's list for custodial, trades, or grounds supplies and services?
A. Send your company's business information, supply pricing and contact information to: