Keene School District Trustees of Trust Funds
Mission Statement
The mission of the Keene School District Trustees of Trust Funds is to prudently invest and act as stewards for all donations received and to be received by so many caring people. In order to benefit future student generations and respect the past, the Trustees shall honor the intent of all donors who establish specific scholarship funds as well as funds for other trust purposes.
Trustees of Trust Funds
Robert M. Mucha, Chair
Jane M. Stabler, Trustee
Anthony M. Tremblay, Trustee
The Keene School District Trustees of Trust Funds ("Trustees") are responsible for administering the gifts, legacies and devises as they are made in trust to the District and for overseeing the funds for the Outdoor Classroom and Activity Center (OCAC), the Building Maintenance Fund, Athletic Fund, Athletic Field Fund and Special Education Fund for the District.
The Trustees will usually meet on a monthly basis at the SAU 29 Business Administration Building, 193 Maple Avenue in Keene, Conference Room 109. Please check the list below for the date and time. The Trustees usually do not meet in June, July and August.
Note: Agendas are typically available several days prior to the meeting. Published minutes will be posted upon approval. The agendas and minutes listed below are available for viewing. To view either the agenda or minutes, click in the appropriate file to download the document. (You will need Adobe Acrobat to view them.) If you don't have access to a computer or don't have the ability to download the documents, paper copies are available in the SAU 29 Business Administration Office at 193 Maple Avenue, Keene.
Please contact:
Tim Ruehr
SAU29 Chief Financial Officer
603-357-9038 x208
To make a contribution to an existing scholarship fund, checks should be made payable to KSD Trustees of Trust Funds. Please be sure to include the name of the fund you wish to donate to and your contact information. Checks may be mailed or hand-delivered to:
Keene School District Trustees of Trust Funds
193 Maple Avenue
Keene, NH 03431