Keene School District » Annual Exceptional Teacher Awards Nomination

Annual Exceptional Teacher Awards Nomination

For most of us at least one teacher stands out in our memory as someone who encouraged us and inspired us to do our very best.

This June, the Keene Board of Education will award ten Exceptional Teacher awards for 2024. These awards are a way for our community to thank our teachers for their exceptional work on behalf of our students.  Each recipient will receive $500.00.

Selection Criteria

There is no one way to be an exceptional teacher. Therefore, the selection committee cannot provide one single set of absolute criteria or rely on one kind of evidence. The award is not intended to be a lifetime achievement award, but rather an award for current outstanding accomplishments.

The committee draws criteria from a number of sources, including, but not limited to:
  • Mastery of sound classroom instructional skills, which not only encourages the intellectual interests, but stimulates the creative work in all students.
  • Use of initiative, creativity, and innovation in teaching techniques to inspire students toward independent and original thinking.
  • Interaction with students in ways that demonstrate professionalism, while retaining respect, humor, compassion, and concern for the whole child.
  • Supports student achievement within the Keene School District curriculum while addressing the educational, social, and emotional needs of all students.
  • Participates in and engages in quality professional development.
  • Utilizes motivational and leadership skills with students and colleagues.
  • Positively interacts with staff and parents.
  • Demonstrates enthusiasm and vitality in learning and teaching.

Nomination Guidelines

A teacher is defined as a professional staff member working for the Keene School District.  That is, classroom teachers, specials, school librarian/media specialists, guidance counselors, special education teachers, reading specialists, speech pathologists, and nurses etc. Nominated staff must be returning to their Keene School District employment in the fall of 2024. Teachers who have been selected for this award may not be reconsidered for five years.


Nominations will be accepted from any Keene School District community member, including: students (both current and former), parents, employees, and administrators.


Past Recipients

2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Recipients, (not eligible at this time)

2011 - John Bass, Andrea Dube, Melanie Everard, Erika Greenwald, John Kersey, Pam Merrow, John Ohlson, Kate Skinner, Jeremy VanDerKern, and Barbara Ware.

2012 - Megan DiRusso, Linda Fisk, Marianne Lavatori, Tina McLaughlin, Linda Risley, Lisa Seelen, Kristy Symonds, Amy Strong, Jen White, and Deanna Zilske.

2013 - Danielle Heeran, Martha Kennison, Peg Hartz, Johanna Kress, Pauline Brackett, Karen Gianferrari, Lisa Larocque, Jennifer Antoseiwicz, Andrea Levin, and Ali Carr.

2014 - Kate Abbott, Kimberly Baker, Christopher Barry, Monica Foley, Susan Grover, Susan Romano, Debbie Sawyer, Thomas Sullivan, Tracy Thompson, and Jack Timmons.

2015 - Forest Bencivenga, Karen Cloutier, Beth Corwin, Brenda Haenchen, Kristina Hartwell, Barbara Kaufmann, Morris Kimura, Amanda Paul, Eric Stinebring, and Christina Villeneuve.

2016 - Nicole Crank, Donna Fairbanks, Carol Ferlini, William Hope, Paul Kohler, Dawn Loughery-Symonds, Kathy Peters, Benjamin Peirce, Kate Shanks, Nikole Starkey.

2017 - Greg Croteau, Guy Harrington, Jessica Hall, Tina Lepple, Ginny McManus, Sarah Owusu, Beth Sibley, Kimberly Simpson, Jessica Smith, Teresa Starkey.
2018 - Sophie La Fleur, Hannah Trombly, Hannah Blair, Lisa McGratty, Melanie Bradford, Mark Miller, Amy Chapman, Jon Perry, Bill Derry, Scott Rogers.
2019 - Suzanne Charles, Jennifer Desautell, Dominic DiBenedetto, Michele Gates, Gretchen Hoefer, Sonja Leslie, David Lybarger, Jennifer Petrovich, Peter Siegel, Caroline Thayer.
2020 - Lisa Seelen, JJ Prior, Jessica Arrow, Rebecca Wilber, Betsy Stacey, James Keizer, Ritu Budakoti, Amber Larareo, Natalie Ahnert, Julia Hall
2021 - Tracey Jilson, Rebecca LaQuerre, Chelsea Agee, Sarah Downing, Danielle Heeran, Tracey Truncale, Kevin Sullivan, Ali Cox, Emily Broadley, Alli Carr
2022 - Alexis Beaudin, Thomas Garceau, Christine Gillis, Barbara Kaufmann, Bonny LaRocca, Joy Livengood, Elizabeth Marchi, Meredith Pancake, Sophie Robel, Shelli Silk- Huntley, Sarah Tucker- Guthrie
2023 - Tracy Thompson, Martha Lavigne, Jessica Bono, Susan Hahs, Amiee Hennigan, Don Turner, Christopher Barry, Morris Kimura, Stephanie Moody and Christopher Whitney